How Men can be Stylish - P.2

In the last blog, How Men can be Stylish, I talked about a couple points regarding personal health and care, to help maintain an attractive look through facial care, hair care and dental care.

This is Part two of How Men can be Stylish, and concentrates more on what we actually wear on our body, rather than how we treat ourselves.

1. Stylish clothes

There is no set style that is the most attractive, as each one of us is different and must guess and check before finding the perfect match of clothing to wear. There are some simple guide lines every man can use to help find something to suit their needs, and become stylish.

Identify your style

Although it may seem harder than it really is, you should be looking at the current trends, and whether or not they suit you, with a twist. Although keeping up with modern trends may make you look fashionable, adding the extra unique feature will help develop your own style of clothing that you are comfortable with.

Variety and favourites

It's important to keep an arsenal of different colours and styles of clothings, and to stay away from the same boring looking clothes. Keeping this in mind, it's also vital to not wear too many different things particularly with shoes and jeans, and to stick to only a couple of each of them. You can then explore your choices with different jumpers and shirts to help you discover your favourite attire.

2. Watches

Watches aren't exactly mandatory, but if you do decide to wear one, you have to be aware of when to wear what type of watch. Wearing the same watch at formal parties, or when you're casually hanging out with your friends isn't exactly stylish, so having an extra watch for each particular occasion is always a good idea.

3. Hats

Like watches, hats also aren't a must-wear type of clothing, but you must be aware of when to wear them. Another important concept regarding wearing hats is how the colour(s) impact on the clothes you are wearing. Wearing matching colours isn't vital, but on the other side of the spectrum it is important not to wear opposing colours compared to your shirt. That just isn't stylish.



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