How Men can be Stylish - P.2

In the last blog, How Men can be Stylish, I talked about a couple points regarding personal health and care, to help maintain an attractive look through facial care, hair care and dental care.

This is Part two of How Men can be Stylish, and concentrates more on what we actually wear on our body, rather than how we treat ourselves.

1. Stylish clothes

There is no set style that is the most attractive, as each one of us is different and must guess and check before finding the perfect match of clothing to wear. There are some simple guide lines every man can use to help find something to suit their needs, and become stylish.

Identify your style

Although it may seem harder than it really is, you should be looking at the current trends, and whether or not they suit you, with a twist. Although keeping up with modern trends may make you look fashionable, adding the extra unique feature will help develop your own style of clothing that you are comfortable with.

Variety and favourites

It's important to keep an arsenal of different colours and styles of clothings, and to stay away from the same boring looking clothes. Keeping this in mind, it's also vital to not wear too many different things particularly with shoes and jeans, and to stick to only a couple of each of them. You can then explore your choices with different jumpers and shirts to help you discover your favourite attire.

2. Watches

Watches aren't exactly mandatory, but if you do decide to wear one, you have to be aware of when to wear what type of watch. Wearing the same watch at formal parties, or when you're casually hanging out with your friends isn't exactly stylish, so having an extra watch for each particular occasion is always a good idea.

3. Hats

Like watches, hats also aren't a must-wear type of clothing, but you must be aware of when to wear them. Another important concept regarding wearing hats is how the colour(s) impact on the clothes you are wearing. Wearing matching colours isn't vital, but on the other side of the spectrum it is important not to wear opposing colours compared to your shirt. That just isn't stylish.



Winter outfit

Winter outfit
As July is closing in, we are all starting to get our winter cloths out. One thing that is very different between summer and winter outfit is that you will always have to have a coat or a jacket on as a part of your outfit. 

A coat is not only particle in terms of keeping you warm, but it can also be matched as a part of your overall fashion. And I want to introduce two kind of special coats for your interest.
One of the most classic coat is the trench coat. It is invented by Burberry as a coat for solders in the start, but later on spread to the public. The trench coat gives an overall mature feel to the wearer.

Hoodies is one of those very “teenage” coat which applies guide well with teens , and this kind of jacket makes the wearer a lot more energetic. 

Reference list:


Electronics and fashion

Electronics and fashion
Long before the godfather of Apple, Steve jobs told us that smartphone can be both stylish and practical, we have used electronics devices as a part of our fashion.
After Steve jobs had presented the the first iPhone to the world, the world seems to suddenly merge fashion and the electronic devices we use into the same page.

With the emerging of smartphone and other electronics becoming more and more mobile, the electronics which we bring around: such as smartphone, tablets and laptops. With the rise of the electronics, we have merged them by putting a case on them. The case on the smartphone not only serve as a protective shield but also a style makeup for your smartphone! If you have a black smartphone but red matches your style just a bit more today, you don’t have to change your smartphone, just put a red case on.

 So, next time, when you want to match the style of your smartphone and your clothes, get a case.

Reference list:


REVIEW: Urban Decay Naked Palette

Urban Decay Naked Palette collection is each packed with twelve gorgeous neutral shades ranging from glitter to shimmer and matte. It is an eyeshadow palette that everyone can use, and truly a spectacular gift where you can experiment with office appropriate neutrals, summertime bronzy looks or sultry smokiness. With such a diversity of neutral shades at your fingertips, there's more to neutral than meets the eye.

Since they don't sell these in Australia, I ordered all three from eBay, not quite sure of the price since it has been awhile now but around $50-$70 each including shipping is my guess. I'm not someone who likes wearing bold colours such as purple or blue on my eyelids so this collection that's filled with 36 neutrals is definitely my must have and I recommend everyone to get their hands on one as you can never go wrong with neutrals. My favourite shades would have to be Naked, Buck, Darkhorse, Busted, Blackout, Burnout, Factory and Darkside.

Virgin, Sin, Naked, Sidecar, Buck, Half Baked
Smog, Darkhorse, Toasted, Hustle, Creep, Gunmetal

Foxy, Half Baked, Bootycall, Chopper, Tease, Snakebite
Suspect, Pistol, Verve, Ydk, Busted, Blackout

Strange, Dust, Burnout, Limit, Buzz, Trick
Nooner, Liar, Factory, Mugshot, Darkside, Blackheart

Reference List


How Men can be Stylish - P.1

We're told women are more fashionable and care more about their looks compared to men, but although this may sometimes be true, this is by no means stopping men from being stylish. Maintaining a couple of good habits and taking a little bit more care in how you prepare yourself can make a huge difference, and can be as simple as 1, 2, 3.

This is Part one of How Men can be Stylish, and concentrates on the tiny things that make a big difference.

1. Facial Care

Choosing a good quality razor is really important, and must not be over looked! Electric razors are good at getting the job done, but traditional razors help you get a closer shave, giving yourself a cleaner look. Another important point about facial care is using aftershave. Taking the extra time to apply some aftershave can provide a pleasant scent, and also acts as a disinfectant to help prevent razor burn. Moisturising is also important as it makes for smooth unblemished skin, and makes for an easier shave due to it softening the hair follicles. If you have acne, or want to prevent getting any, it's vital to wash your face at least twice a day. To help neutralise the acne, you can apply acne medicine and moisturise after. To get rid of the redness of the zits, you can use some sort of "Vanishing lotion" to help camouflage the colour against your skin.

2. Hair Care

Taking care of your hair is really important, and can be achieved through what you purchase for use in the shower. Investing in quality shampoo and conditioner will help your hair look fresh, clean and moisture rich. Make sure you use shampoo less than a conditioner, as the shampoo only cleans your hair and using it every day may dry your hair, taking away all its natural oils. 

Outside the shower, there are multiple ways to style your hair:
  • Gel is a nice all around styler. It will keep your hair in one place all day, even in severe wind. The only downside is, it tends to dry out your hair and may tend to flake. Try this for short to medium length hair.
  • Wax is literally that. Think like that stuff you use to seal your bathtub. Almost exactly the same as gel, but not as liquid and a much thicker texture. Use this for short to medium hair length.
  • Mousse. This works well for curly hair, and it allows you to obtain curls without having that stuck together hair you get from gel and wax. Short to medium length hair; it may not provide enough hold as gel or wax.
Finally, how you cut your hair is also really important in achieving a great look. Make sure you visit a good quality barber or stylist occasionally to get your hair cut.

3. Dental

Taking care of your teeth and preventing odour can be done through simple and effective steps:
1. Brush your teeth every day, at least twice. Once after breakfast, and once before you go to bed
2. Whiten your teeth, through special tooth pastes or with whitening strips
3. Floss to prevent odours, stains on your teeth and numerous gum diseases
4. Brush your tongue to eliminate bad breath




What to wear on a first date: The only 5 rules you need

There's nothing that can match the thrill of the first date - will we have chemistry, will he live up to his excellent email vaunter, could he be that someone special…?

With all that going on, the last thing you want to worry about is what to wear on a first date - but it's always the first thing that springs to mind. Of course thinking about interesting conversation topics whilst picking out what will show you off to the best potential is going to take some time. 

But if you follow these 5 simple rules, you'll be able to spend a lot more effort on thoughts of the date itself, rather than raiding the contents of your wardrobe! 

1. Dress for comfort
We don't mean donning some sweats, or (God forbid) Crocs, we simply mean that you must be comfortable in whatever you're wearing, physically and emotionally. If you are comfortable, you will be able to relax more and concentrate on being your amazing, attractive self!

2. Keep the mystery
Showing off a bit too much too early can unfortunately shatter your image. We're not saying that you should dress like a nun, nor are we saying that showing all is necessarily a bad idea if that's how you roll. But by revealing just enough to get him interested, but not enough to ruin the sense of mystery you can be sure to almost hear him dialling your number for a second date as you walk away. 

3. Dress for the occasion
Find out the name of the venue and Google it to get an idea of the vibe. We don't need to tell you of the horrors of dressing for a mood-lit bar when you're really going for a walk and picnic in the park. Not ideal. 

4. Be yourself
Never try and dress like someone else on your first date. If you're a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl then don't go and force yourself into a fuchsia bodycon. Your date needs to know who you are. If they don't like your style then they're clearly not the one for you. 

5. Feel Amazing
The most important piece of advice to give is to feel amazing in what you're wearing no matter what. Whether that means you have to slip on a pair of Spanx to flatten any lumps and bumps, or stand in front of the mirror doing self-affirming chants, we don't care. All that matters is that you know you look hot, hot, hot and those dates will keep on coming. 


REVIEW: Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butter

Pink Truffle, Peach Parfait, Pink Lemonade, Berry Smoothie
Strawberry Shortcake, Sugar Plum, Creme Brulee

Since the release of the Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butter in Australia, I have heard so many great things about them and was desperate to get my hands on some. What disappointed me however, was the retail price of $20 which is fairly expensive for a drugstore product. I decided to make my purchase on eBay as it was less than half the retail price including shipping and will recommend this method for anyone else looking for these beauties. I ended up buying 7 shades overtime, all of which I love but my favourite has to be Pink Truffle. They are a balm with a sheer to medium colour that hydrates the lips with its mango, shea and coconut butter formula. I am not a very big fan of makeup but I have to admit, this line is the majority in my small makeup collection and I would definitely purchase the remaining shades.

Reference List


Evening outfit ideas!

Evening outfits

Great evening outfits for women are dresses of any kind. Skirts are great as they allow you to combine many different looks whatever you prefer on the night out.
Mix and match be it leather skirts, shorts or leggings with tight small or looser bigger fitting tops or shirts, its never out of fashion, easy done and always looks great! Other little tricks that help dress up any casual clothing into a stunning night out outfit, would be through other accessories such as high heels, jewellery, a cool jacket or blazer and a nice bad or clutch.  Any of those or all of those accessories worn with any basic dress or top and pants create a stunning outfit to be worn anywhere at any time. 
Hope these tips helped you to achieve easy ways recreating new styles without having to spend much money on new outfits every time you go out.

Quick tutorial on ways to wear skirt outfits! Hope you enjoy it!

Image 1, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from
Image 2, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from
Image 3, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from

Video, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from


Winter Wonderland

With temperatures still way below warm here in Sydney and it seems we can't get sufficiently warm, no matter what we do. Perhaps a little fashion might help? We decided to put together out favourite winter looks to squeeze out some last-minute cold weather wardrobe inspiration. We scoured the internet for a little more inspiration on how to wear winter ensembles, and we stumbled upon a few that caught our eye. Click through and check them out! 

Winter style tips:

Image 1, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from:

Image 2, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from:

Image 3, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from:

Video, retrieved on the 2/5/2014 from:


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