Korean Make-up

Korean Make-up

K-pop, the Korean styled music and culture had seen a rapid expansion of influence in recent years. With the rise of K-pop, it had also bring up the rise of Korean fashion and Korean styled make-up. In the following we will go into some of the most noticeable features and characteristic of a Korean make-up.

Firstly, a very white and pale foundation. As females in Asian region generally have a face shape which goes better with white skins, Korean make-up usually make use of the formation in order to whiten their look.

Secondly, a long and slightly upward eyeliner. The Korean make-up place quite an emphasis on the eyeliner as this make the eye larger and brighter, and this also give the eye a more dynamic shape.

Thirdly, Korean make-up usually come with a bright and sharp red lip gloss. Lastly, a light cover of eyeshadow to finish off the whole make up.

Last but not least, here is a video from youtube on tutorial of how to create a Korean make-up.

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